Upgraded License Scanning

Acuant recently released their latest snapshell iteration, the Snapshell R3, which has improved processing speed and significantly reduced OCR read errors.

This model has been tested and is compatible with all versions of PeopleTrack in order to quickly scan government and state ID’s for visitors, guests, and vendors.

If you have encountered newer state ID’s that your Snapshell is not able to read, you may not need an upgraded Snapshell model. Often these issues are resolved simply by downloading the latest SDK which contains all the latest license reading software technology. The latest approved release for PeopleTrack can always be found on our support portal homepage.

To install, simply download it and be sure to select both “drivers license” and “business card” on the components menu for proper installation. It is not recommended to download any additional Snapshell drivers from any other source when using the device with PeopleTrack.