Customized Automation for Cloud Users

Microsoft Azure offers a wealth of automation for IT managers, network engineers, web designers, and the like to manage their infrastructure, integrations, and procedures, but few companies provide the option to have customer-specific automation.

Recently, PeopleTrack now offers its MS Azure Cloud customers access to those same tools in order to automate certain manual processes, or procedures previously out of reach. Each design can be customized to meet the needs of the particular client. This can include things such as daily summary reports, check-in notifications, threshold warnings, third party integrations, expiring user notifications, family email blasts, or even simple reminders.

Visitor management is performed in a variety of environments and so maintaining flexibility is always our objective. Using Azure automation tools is just another way we hope to meet the sometimes unusual, and often very unique needs of our customers. Contact us today if you wish to discuss creating an automatic procedure that will improve your system.